I am currently working on my first submission to this website. I have begun storyboarding for Season 1. Each season will contain 25 episodes, or as they will be called in this series, Nights. This series is going to be called Under Judgment, and it takes place in a Zombie-Style Post-Apocalyptic World.
I've already got all the characters' concept art down on paper, but I do not have a scanner so I cannot upload them to here. There's a total of 10 characters down on paper, including major and minor characters.
If all goes well with the First Season, I will make a game out of it, and then after I finish that up I'm going to start creating the second season.
Werabor -
Weapon - Katana and Crossbow on Left Forearm.
Clothing - Black Trenchcoat with Skull Emblem on back, black boonie hat with Skull Emblem on front, black belt with skull buckle, black boots with 3 metal buckles and metal plate on toe, and black gloves with 2 buckles. All articles of apparel are lined with kevlar and steel plating.
Features - Blonde hair, long. Blonde goatee. Average stature and build. Caucasian.
Personality - Doesn't care about much, only about himself. A man of few words, and stubborn.
Weapon - A giant hammer, with electrical charge.
Clothing - Standard X-Squadron Battlesuit, without helmet.
Features - Buzzcut, black. Large stature and build. African.
Personality - Enjoys fighting, and follows orders without question.
Weapon - 2 Giant Fist Pistons.
Clothing - Standard X-Squadron battlesuit, without helmet.
Features - Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Legs, and Arms have been replaced with robotic parts. Bald head. Giant stature and build. Caucasian.
Personality - Believes in the X-Squadron's plans of "reconstitution" and will die fighting for it.
Weapon - Scythe with detachable head, and can be used like Flail.
Clothing - Just a pair of pants and one X-Squadron shoulder pad on left shoulder, and always wears his Goggles.
Features - Has spikey hair and filed teeth. Small stature and build. Caucasian.
Personality - Literally out of his mind, he enjoys watching people suffer.
Weapon - Western-Broadsword and SMG on left forearm.
Clothing - X-Squadron Trenchcoat, black fingerless gloves, and black kneeboots.
Features - Short, black hair. Average stature and build. Caucasian.
Personality - Will do anything to get his way. Firmly believes in "If you are not with us, you are against us."
Weapon - Paranormal Powers and Giant Dual-Headed Serrated Sword.
Clothing - Red cloak.
Features - Rotting flesh, no lips or eyes. NORMAL - Small stature and build. TRANSFORMED - Giant stature and build. Pale blue skin.
Personality - The unsatiable desire for killing.